Hout van Juniperus chinenensis grbruiken om te draaien.

de Haan

Oud hout
17 aug 2009
Hout van Juniperus chinenensis grbruiken om te draaien.
Wie heeft daar ervaring mee?
Ik heb 2 plakken van 50cm X50cm en 8cm dik


Leo Van Der Loo

Post veel
13 apr 2014
Atikokan Ontario Canada
I have turned quite a few pieces of Juniper, though not the Chinese Juniper, here in N. America, the Junipers are most often called Cedar, though they are not from the Cedar family but from the Cypress family.

There are quite a few different species, I have never seen one of the size to cut 50cm slabs from.

As Juriaan says, soft but still good to turn wood, and yes the oil in the Junipers will prevent finishing oils from hardening, there are other types of trees with oils in them that will do the same.

I do find that is does really check if not dried slowly, have fun turning those pieces (y)

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