Mooie thesis over timmerwerk 238blz


Nieuw lid
1 jul 2018
Ik weet niet of deze al is langsgekomen, maar vond dit persoonlijk een erg mooi en compleet werk:
"The Invisible Tools of a Timber Framer: A survey of principles, situations and procedures for marking, by Ulrik Hjort Lassen. Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg

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ULRIK Lassen’s doctoral thesis in conservation started out as a study of the craft of log construction, whose traditions have a long and rich history in Scandinavia. As he explains in his preface, during his three years of research his focus slowly shifted to timber framing methods, especially those that deal with irregular material, which he found fascinating. Adept in European languages and a beginning carpenter by training in his native Denmark, Lassen traveled widely searching for ways to expand his practical research while still being a working craftsman. He worked on projects across Europe—historic manor houses in Denmark, maisons de colombage (half timbered houses) in France and skiftesverk in Sweden (timber framing with usually horizontal tenoned log wall infill in vertical grooves; pièce-sur-pièce)—and attended seminars with Japanese carpenters in Germany. His linguistic abilities gave him an advantage in the exchange of knowledge with the often reticent carpenters he worked beside—even with the Japanese. The result is perhaps the most extensive survey that exists on timber frame layout and marking systems commonly in use around the world today. Richly illustrated with colored photographs and drawings, this work takes us on a serpentine tour of our craft, returning often to the procedures and approaches—the invisible tools—that we share with timber framers from diverse backgrounds who face essentially the same problems and situations. This knowledge is often internalized and nonverbal and is only evident in the skilled execution of their work."


Post veel
4 jan 2016
Steenbergen, Noord Brabant
Ik heb me door de eerste pagina's heengeworsteld:eek:...dit is inderdaad de moeite waard: de lange koude winteravonden komen er weer aan. We hebben iets te lezen. Heel leerzaam. Uitgebreid beschreven.
Welkom op het forum Klistoffel. Leuk als je je even voorstelt in de daarvoor bedoelde rubriek. Je eerste bericht op dit forum en dan meteen zo'n binnenkomer.....ik ben benieuwd waar je nog meer mee gaat komen;), want je legt de lat wel hoog nu.

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