Good vibrations


Actieve deelnemer
1 jun 2012
Leuven, Belgium
Op een design site kwam ik dit tegen
Het is dus geen photoshop
Dit is de tekst die er bij stond

"Good Vibrations" is a storage unit by Italian architect and designer Ferruccio Laviani of Fratelli Boffi, "which seems to have been “deformed” by a strong jolt or by swaying movements." Wooden "Glitch" Furniture!
"Echoes of faraway places and Oriental elements are glimpsed in the “disorienting” design of this storage unit, which seems to have been “deformed” by a strong jolt or by swaying movements. Although it appears to depart from the aesthetics of the past, in fact it draws upon ancient knowledge in the use of carving and fine wood workmanship.
The appeal of this extraordinary piece of furniture lies in its ability to overturn and question classical stylistic principles such as purity, cleanness and symmetry, while evoking a comforting feeling of deja-vù and a sort of primitiveness, matched by unquestionable craftsmanship."


Actieve deelnemer
4 feb 2011
Ziet er leuk uit. Maar zie ook graag nog een andere foto.... (ik kan ze niet vinden met Google)


Actieve deelnemer
1 jun 2012
Leuven, Belgium
Wat beter opzoek werk leerde mij hetvolgende:

Update: Colossal reports that Studio Laviani has announced that this is a 3D rendering of a piece in progress (which explains why the effect doesn't look Photoshopped, but addresses the wood grain issues discussed in the comments), so we'll have to wait until it debuts in April to see the final image. [via MetaFilter]

kort samengevat: het is een render, maar tegen April zou de kast er ook e


Oud hout
31 jan 2012
Die kast staat in dit huis :)


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